About Us

About Us

AirBorn Insight leverages drone technology to empower decision making.
Established in 2015, AirBorn Insight is one of the first drone service providers in Australia. We offer specialist services for agricultural field trials, environmental monitoring and design, topographical survey, and consulting.



We understand that the true value lies in the insights and information derived from aerial surveying and data analytics. While we utilise advanced drone technology as a means to collect accurate and detailed data, our expertise goes beyond the hardware. We specialize in analysing and interpreting this data to provide meaningful insights that drive better decision-making for our clients.

Airborn Insight-

Our staff have extensive experience in a wide range of industries including agronomy, environmental science, engineering design, computer programming, machine learning, robotics, LiDAR, advanced photogrammetry, and data analytics. This broad range of skills empowers us to adopt a distinct approach to data capture, resulting in added value across flight operations, analysis and reporting.

Why work with AirBorn Insight? As an experienced service provider we can achieve the right outcome, first time, under a proven safety management system. We offer immediate deployment while taking care of the complexities of drone operations and data analysis. We can achieve the outcome you need so you can achieve your project objectives as efficiently as possible.

We are licensed by the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (Certificate #CASA.ReOC.0274) and hold all necessary public liability, professional indemnity and Workcover insurances. We operate under a structured Job Safety Assessment risk mitigation system – Safety First.   ABN 88 605 356 965


Loren Otto
Director, Co-founder

Chartered Professional Engineer with 20 years industry experience, Mechatronics (robotics).

Loren is passionate about getting the very most out of technology to drive business outcomes. With a focus on airborne sensor technologies, robotics, machine learning and analytics, Loren is motivated to solve complex problems and provide actionable insights that can transform business operations and answer research questions.

Nathaniel Parker
Director, Co-founder

Environmental Engineer with 20 years industry experience in project management. 

Nat has worked in both the agricultural and environmental industries.  He has extensive experience in agricultural and water quality/hydrology research and manages environmental rehabilitation programs. He enjoys providing practical outcomes to problems and sees aerial technologies as exciting tools to understand and better manage our agricultural and environmental systems.